Monday, July 30, 2007

Celtic Melodies

I have been trying to have a sort out of the music I've written, in order to make sure I keep a copy of everything in some sort of library so I can refer to it , and keep tabs on at least one copy ( they do tend to walk!).

It was quite strange looking back at early work, especially millions of arrangements of Celtic melodies I did.

I'm still pleased with the piano version of these I did considering it was probably ten years ago . The instrumental versions were very straight, I'd probably do them differently now.

I was listening to this version of "Danny Boy", and it inspired me, perhaps I'll arrange more Celtic melodies.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

"National youth Music camp" One down, two to go.

The first teenage music camp went brilliantly. There were a lot of new campers who arrived tentatively and really grew into the week. It was exciting to see. Here are a few more photo's.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Unexpected bonus.

The music camp was thrown into disarray this week when John Dankworth announced at the garden season gala, a concert in the stables foyer as a preview to their 80th birthday prom. (this was to be on Tuesday right in the middle of this weeks camp who were to be to be using the theatre).

The campers weren't booted out completely, but making a noise was not an option!,

They changed their venue for their formal concert to John and Cleo's back garden where the garden season has just finished. everyone sat on groundsheets under the canopy, and the concert was on the stage in front of the house, (brill!).

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I don't know if its just that I'm getting older, but I am increasingly becoming irritated by music in shops and public places that stops me concentrating, especially if its music i don't want to listen to.

I read a novel lately and the the author referred to some of this music as an unwanted soundtrack to ones lives (I thought that was good).

I suppose if the music is quiet its OK, but so many stores have intrusive music that I find stops me thinking.
I went into the HMV shop the other day to buy a CD . This shop ( which sells all kinds of music to all kinds of people), was playing heavy rock SO loud that I just left because I couldn't think what to buy ( Gosh I sound like my mother!!!!!).

I found this petition on the net protesting about music in hospitals. Its bad enough people force feeding you unwanted music, but to feel unwell at the same time!.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

National Youth Music Camps,Things get underway

Had a visit to the camp this morning and things are really starting to happen. I walked around the "B" groups and there was a lovely range of exciting musical things happening ( despite a bit of mud!).

Monday, July 23, 2007

First music campers arrive

The first teenage campers arrived yesterday looking in trepidation at the weather but glad to be there anyway. The tutors set up the welcome desk and the guitarists busked "Django" style for the parents. Always great to see a tentative start turn into a hub. exciting.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Oh No!! its raining and the tents go up today

I'm fed up with this weather!!!!!

We had a lovely day yesterday. went to see Antonio Foricone at The Stables ( awe inspiring!!), and there was the marquee in the music camp field all ready to embrace the atmosphere and excitement of the next few weeks, there was even a sunset. AND NOW!!!

The rain is torrential outside,the rest of the tents should start going up tonight , and the first lot of staff arrive tomorrow.

I always feel terrible when there is a wet week at the camp. It costs me a fortune in moral building chocolate!. Strangely the campers ( and sometimes the staff) don't seem to notice, they are too busy enjoying themselves.

good job we have a state of the art theatre and studios.... to rehearse in, ..... we did once have a member of staff struck by lightening!!

Having said that, I don't want to put off anyone wishing to volunteer to help with the Music camps, please leave a comment below if interested.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Christmas is coming!

Just thought I must do a post about "Christmas band in a book" which has just arrived. I'm actually very excited (as usual) about this book as I hope it will be really useful for all kinds of situations.

The book is basically for any group that wants to play or accompany traditional Christmas carols. It has parts for just about anything all in one book so two or three players can read their part from one copy. ( and take the book and CD accompaniment home to practise their part).

The Carols can be played in any combination with accompaniment from duet to orchestra. The easy parts were written with elementary players in mind but could easily be used for any group. The books would be good for instrumental groups in church or for carol singing.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Goodbye old friend

Have been having a clear out of my workspace to try and reclaim valuable space to put more "stuff".

I have encountered one or two emotional dilemma's along the way. Firstly I have drawers and box files with my original manuscripts in. I don't for a moment anticipate these turning up and labelled "lost* in a hundred years, or being exhibited in an alarmed glass case somewhere, but the original scribbles for "B groovy" or "Shrimps on tour", do have a sentimental significance.

The next big hurdle was my old bassoon case. It has travelled the world with me (well some of it). It is so bashed about that I wouldn't dare put an instrument in it any more, the canvas case leaks and frankly it needs to be chucked.

I thought if I took a photo of it and wrote a little appreciation it would make me feel better as it goes to the dump.

(I couldn't do it, I've put it back in the cupboard).

Friday, July 13, 2007

Music For Youth

Have spent a couple of days at *The National Festival Of Music For Youth" in Birmingham.

The event goes on all week, and is housed in several venues including Symphony Hall, Birmingham conservatoire and the CBSO centre.

The week is so exciting showcasing the best in youth music making in all genres.

I was there for the ensembles and the infant and junior days and the standard was amazing.

To find out more go to

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Interesting (as well as boring).

I found this fantasic picture in an old harmonica magazine that was with a pile of old music someone gave us.

It was published at a time when Hohner were really pushing the harmonica as a classroom instrument and a book was written showing how it could be taught alongside the recorder ( harmonica for the boys, and recorder for the girls!).

There were a lot of teachers workshops and summer schools to teach the rudiments of the instrument. actually it looked a lot of fun (above), wouldn't you have liked to be there?.

What I also found very interesting in this magazine, was a page of quotes from respected musicians of the time extolling the virtues of the instrument. One in particular caught my eye.

"Thanks to the brilliant work of a handful of virtuosi, the harmonica is firmly established today as a genuine musical instrument with a character of its own and a growing repertoire of music specially composed for it. The harmonica now shares with the recorder an important place in musical education.

The publication of this manual is to be welcomed not only for its excellent method of teaching these instruments but also for its wider application to the field of general musical appreciation"


I have been at the "National Festival of Music for Youth" this week, and there wasn't a harmonica in sight, but I think its a lovely sounding instrument with definite educational possibilities...... Discuss!.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I do like to be beside the .....

Have just come back from a few days away.

Really needed a break after the craziest week ever, which had every moment filled up in the diary, plus having to submit all the manuscripts for the new Razzamajazz books one and two.

It was a great to see them go, but I did have the usual migraine to celebrate their departure.

The weather wasn't great when we were away, but the break turned from monochrome into technicolour yesterday when the sun came out!.

The high spot of the holiday was playing "I do like to be beside the seaside " on the Shanklin Xylophone. An inspired bit of "Art" attached onto the railings that you play with a beater as you walk along. Its in tune too, and has all the beats filled so you get a perfect performance if you play in time. (The girls got a clap after they played theirs).
Click on the photo to see the xylophone in greater detail.