Saturday, June 28, 2008

Sing up!!

One of my songs from "Sixty Sizzling Songz" is going in the September "Sing up" magazine.

"Sing up" is a new government initiative to encourage singing in schools. Their website is very colourful, and there are lots of useful resources for music teachers. A very good source of song lyrics worth a look, ( but still buy "Sizzling songz")

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Introducing Sara

I'd like to introduce Sara Kirkpatrick who is our new "National Youth Music Camp" administrator. Its so exciting to welcome Sara. She is not only a fantastic administrator but also a top class puppeteer, Circus performer and photographer. She has been the puppeteer behind one or two very famous puppets this year. Check out her website to get to know her better.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Woman in the woods.

My piece "Woman in the woods" from "Fresh air" was originally inspired by Susan Williams Ellis daughter of Clough Ellis (creator of Portmeirion Village in Wales) and also artist and designer of the famous Portmeirion Pottery).

I heard today that she had died (back in December).

Portmeirion is such a magical place, we have stayed there often. While walking in the woods there several years ago I met Susan Willams Ellis also walking in this inspiring place created by her father.

She was such an interesting person herself , that I was inspired to write the piece, and wrote to her to tell her it had received some nice reviews and was being used for a music exam syllabus.

She wrote a very humble letter back saying she wasn't particularly musical, but had designed a rotunda at Portmeirion, and painted some pottery (!!!).

Her obituary tells of her creative upbringing as daughter of Clough and novelist mother Amabel (hence my piece "Song for Amabel") and their interesting friends Noel Coward, H G Wells, and members of the Bloomsbury set to name a few.

Potmeirion itself glows with the spirit of a time when creativity and the arts inspired such "sets".

I find it fascinating and exciting.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Music camp coming soon!

Things are revving up for this years National Youth Music Camps. All the places have been filled, we have an amazing staff on all weeks and we even have a new music marquee on order!!!.

I had a meeting today with some of our administrators, and actually started to get a little buzz of excitement. No vermin in the cowshed, so all the tents are intact. There was just a little wood pigeon practising his cooing to wake us up before the bugle. Even the sheep are out of the field!!. Be excited... be very excited.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Never buy manuscript paper again!!

I once knew a cellist who kept manuscript paper and a pencil by his bed at night in case he ever got inspiration in his sleep. ( don't think he ever did). I have never experienced that, but have on occasions got ideas in the car, and had to hold tunes or lyrics in my head until I was able to write them down. I did own one of those little microphone key rings and sang into it on odd ( very odd) occasions.

I found this devise on youtube which I think is a MUST for all serious composers . Its worth a look!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Website goes LIVE!!

My website is now officially up and running . It has been "under construction" for some time, but it is fully operational now with an option to contact and ask questions.

It is all very exciting, and it would be nice if it gets a few hits, so please have a look.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sparkling songs!!

Sparkling songz have landed!!

The book is out now, and all very exciting.

It is a collection of unison and part songs for starter choir plus some crazy warm ups. I am pleased with the variety of styles in the book, and working with three new lyricists has given it a fresh feel.

Really hope people use it and like it. This is the odd stage when you see it "go off" into the world, and wonder how its' doing. ( any feedback always appreciated... good or bad).

nearly finished my treble voices choral book, then back to instrumental writing for a while ( I feel a bit more at home with that).

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Angels and bassoons

A fantastic concert last night in aid if "The streetlight trust". The first outing for our bassoon trio (Chloe, I and Geoff Colmer), and then the world premier of four of my songs.
It was a glittering night with Peter Fisher (violin), Philip Achille (harmonica), Secklow brass, the trio, and my band of angelic friends.
