Saturday, May 15, 2010

Anyone remember Bee?

Just to let you know that ex camper and member of staff Bryony Sutton ( now known as Bryony Hannah). is playing Louise in the new Ricky Gervais film "Cemetery Junction".
Bee was originally a sax pupil of mine at the Arts Ed, then went onto RADA, and has acted to much acclaim since.
Bee is pictured above ( top with soprano) with the sax quartet who represented the camps at the opening of the new Stables theatre, and also the BBC Jazz awards the same year.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I promise to do my best.

I have just spent a very nostalgic afternoon.

I have been asked to be an ambassador for the Girl Guides, and was invited to attend their Annual banner service today to celebrate a hundred years of guiding.

I spent happy years as a brownie and guide as did both our girls. Many of my songs have been influenced by times singing around a campfire, and the music camps were inspired by Avril's time as a guide. pictured is me as a brownie, and as a guide (front row, far side).

There were ninety banners/flags paraded today to represent each guiding area in the county. They had been designed and beautifully made by the guide companies, and to see them lining the path to the church brought quite a lump to the throat.

The afternoon was rounded up as one would expect with tea and the most creative display of fairy cakes I have ever seen. I chose a butterfly cake for old times sake......... I can feel a piece of music coming on.

Friday, May 7, 2010

For Double Reedies!

I had this sent to me this morning. Thought it may be of interest to anyone with double reed pupils .Morning Oons,
Latest hot news:
You will remember that February 14th last year was a rather special day for a different reason than increased sales of cards, chocolates and red roses.... it was the Big Bassoon Day at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. What started out as an idea from Bob Porter ended up as a monstrously entertaining and informative day with over 100 young oons arriving to learn and be inspired and we have been asking Bob "what next?".
Of course the only way forward is UP so this year 10th October has been booked as a complete take over of the GSMD building with not only bassoons but also OBOES invited and thus it becomes the Big Double Reed Day.. and can only get BIGGER. The plans look amazing and if you were involved last year you will know how much fun it was showing kids the contra/reed adjusting/masterclasses and of course the grand finale - "When the Saints" with dozens and dozens of bassoons in the foyer. Some fantastic players already confirmed but currently all bonded under the official oon secrets act. Watch this space and others for news and please spread the word of the DATE to other bassoon teachers/players and of course oboe teachers who we are hoping can also work out how to have as much fun as bassoonists. Note as this is a Sunday we won't all have to rush off to gigs like last year which should result in a rather large gathering later on.
Meyrick Alexander

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Times gone by.

The Grand
The Palm Court

Orchestra gallery

We have just come back from staying at the Grand in Folkestone. I always find going to these places so inspiring, and the high spot of the trip was the "Grand tour". where we were able to see bits of the building that you aren't normally allowed to go (love that!). The Grand has a rich history of exciting events and visitors over the last century, but my favourite bit was the palm court, and the orchestra gallery ( now sadly the finance dept!!). Oh for the days of live music. At least the Grand employ three pianists to play in the afternoons while you have cream teas and watch the boats on the sea ( or in our case the rain!)