A few pictures from this afternoon at camp. All is going well, and there are some very exciting projects emerging. It was nice today seeing groups of campers preparing group items, and forming their own ensembles and groups. The camp orchestra did a full run through of all three of its pieces, which went well, especially an arrangement of a tango with complete accordion section!.
Strings and woodwind
How many orchestras have you seen with a accordion section?
Some choreography to accompany vocals.
A campers group.
We were able to come by footage of the first camps that Avril had put onto video. Dave edited some of it, and showed the campers. They were amazed at how basic everything was, and will be recreating some of what they saw in the sports this afternoon (Walking backwards race and egg and spoon). A few familiar faces in the film, Avril, Jacqui and Alec Dankworth, Alison Tumber, Jane Lloyd, Neil Conti among others. We hope to show it all three camps.