Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lacey theatre company

Our daughter Martha has been working for Lacey theatre company this year. Her and fellow intern Sarah are starting to write a diary on the Lacey Web site Its early days yet, but go to the site and click on "hand drawn".

This photo was taken by Anna Barton.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Birthday surprise.

Chris and I went to London to mooch around the capital and maybe out for a little lunch(HA!).

There lurking (heavily disguised!) in a cafe in Covent Garden were our two (lovely but cunning) daughters. Chris handed me something to hold while he searched for his phone (two HAs !). It was tickets for "The Mouse trap". The theatre just happened to be around the corner, and there was just time to get there for the afternoon performance (three HAs !!).

We really enjoyed the spoof like nature of it.... It was probably quite serious when it opened all those years ago. I love Who dunnits.... I feel a musical coming on.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How very English!

We have just spent a charming afternoon at a charity tea dance at our church. We learned how to do a cha cha cha and a foxtrot, then had afternoon tea and cake. It was great fun, but we had to admit it would have been more fun playing the music!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My teaching room!!

I do a bit of teaching a couple of days a week, and love it. I am extremely blessed to teach in two nice locations. The other day when my teaching room wasn't available I taught in the "State music room" and took this picture!!. It was a bit of a strange experience and I kept thinking I should make a speech. The accoustic was rather nice though. It is odd however that when you are playing in a room like that, Mozart does seem more appropriate than B Groovy!.

Friday, March 4, 2011

New year Events starting to happen.

I always think January and Febuary are strange months in my calender. Bookings start coming in for March, but the beginning of the year is very quiet ( so no posts!).

The exciting news is that all three "Two at a time" books are out, and new ensemble packs "Wind bags" and "String bags" (!) are set to appear at any time.

A new German version of the Red Hot recorder tutor has just been translated (very exciting), and lots of teachers days and workshops are in the diary.

Spring is in the air, the frogs have come back to the pond, the sun is shining, and all is well.

Watch blog for more thrilling tales!