My mother blames everything on the weather, and I have spent most of my life laughing about it, but I sometimes think she might be (just a bit) right.
I know I have been sitting at the piano in our loft writing gloomy and melancholy pieces over the last few days with titles popping into my head like "I need chocolate" and "Molehill mountain" (actually that's quite good, I might use that!). Well, what else can you do when there's rain running down the window and the sky looks like charcoal?.
Its true, the sun does inspire, there have been occasions when I've written pieces like"Sunshine Green" or "Lawn dance" inspired by the weather.
Actually, I am inspired.
I'm loving revamping Razzamajazz. I have finished book one and have written seven new pieces that I'm pleased with and think will be useful and a lot of fun, then its into book two.
I was wondering what to do with book one. If you put "All new RAZZ!" or "Razz Remix" or "Razz Revamped" It sounds a bit lame, as if it was rubbish in the first place and you are desperately wanting to bring the book up to date. Perhaps we'll just Razz up the cover and give people a surprise when they see the pieces and play the (new!!) C.D.
The sun has come out! Just off to write a ballad.
Forgot to mention,
a pupil of mine is performing Lavendar Blue next week in her Performer's assembly. I love this piece, my pupil does loud and ends held notes far to early so making her think floaty, gentle and diaphragm !!! has been really satisfying (especially in the fiddly middle bit.)
Thats brilliant news! Thats one of the pieces Chris played for his harmonica fest ( by the way, may have a tutor for you!).
The middle bit of that piece is actually quite tricky isn't it!
sar X
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