Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I wish I'd concentrated at school

Its exam city in our house at the moment, both our girls are head down revising for GCSE's and Alevels. I am very impressed with their attitudes towards revision, and can't help thinking "Why wasn't I like that??". Perhaps we weren't so academically driven.
Then it got me to thinking "Why am I like I am (!?)". What teachers influenced me at school, and what did they actually teach me?.
Well, I suppose it was music teachers who had the biggest impact (probably because it was the only subject when I was actually paying attention). I had a woodwind teacher called Eric Webb who was ex Army band. He was quite a character, and I think offered me the bassoon because I made him laugh. That was probably a turning point in my life. I had an instant love of the instrument. He then introduced me to chamber music.
My class music teacher was called Dennis Tear ( I would really love to know where he is now if anyone knows). He influenced me by accompanying songs with cool rhythms using chord symbols. I thought "I want to do that, its much easier than reading music!" (only partially sensible).
My piano teacher for a time was a friend of the family called Peter Stevens. he influenced me most by coming around to our house in the evenings and playing Mancini and Bacharach on the piano. He introduced me to a lot of good music.
So that's it, my education. I was quite good at rounders as well.


Anonymous said...

You've got the same hairstyle! :)

The National Youth Music Camps said...

Its what happened between then and now that you need to worry about!