Monday, August 6, 2007

Its a sign!!!

I did a post on April 28th about the old North Bucks Music centre and the sadness at seeing it all overgrown. It was housed in an old cricket pavilion, and is about to be demolished.

I was speaking to the man who owns the land now and was telling him a little of its history.

Yesterday I found the sign from the music centre gate on my doorstep!!.

I'm really thrilled to have it ( crazy isn't it!), but its an odd feeling.

I remember going through those gates with trepidation to a violin lesson each week that I dreaded. I remember the feeling of arriving there with sheer terror for Associated board exams when I didn't know my scales!, and only being able to whisper when you went through the door, and the smell of wood floor polish.

I think having the sign in my garden is therapy , a kind of trophy. I am very willing to share it with anyone else who needs it.

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