I had a "show and tell"dinner party with a few friends this week. ( great fun!! plan to do it again with more friends). Each person had to bring a track of music to play and share , and an object to show. It was a really great evening and very interesting to see what everyone brought ( and what their musical choice was). My friend Rake had found a retro recipe book at her mums house and brought that, and also some "party cone cakes" she had made from it. Pinder made a rainbow jelly ( with vodka) from the same book. The tastes reminded me of Christmas party's we went to at an Aunties when I was a child. Simon brought what was left of his favourite childhood toy Clownie ( a foot!). Chris showed his favourite gardening jumper. Another friend (also a Chris) brought her favourite kitchen utensil.
The evening developed into a bit of a jam session , and a few people had tuba lessons (!!).
Chloe's embouchure looks really good! She IS a tuba player!
Show and tell sounds like a really interesting way to spend an evening xx
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