Monday, September 28, 2009

Surprise (!)

Was brousing on youtube, and found this!!
Sorry there's probably a better way to put a link, but I'm in shock.

(wonder if I'm getting some money).

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Desert Island discs ( without the island)

I have been asked to do "Desert island discs" for the Jazz matters series at the Stables Wavendon. It would be much less embarrassing, if people were actually in the audience, so I'm hoping someone will turn up. Among the recordings, there will be a LIVE WORLD PREMIERE by that famous harmonica player Chris Shrimpton, of one of my newly published pieces " To the Sublime". Its at 11 30 am, in "Stage two", and only costs a fiver.

NAME conference.

An exciting couple of days at the NAME conference (National Association of Music Educators) at York University, meeting people who said they found my books useful (which was really nice), then launching and getting feedback on the six new "Red Hot Song Library" books. It was great seeing peoples reactions, and fun singing through a few songs with them at the stand!. The covers are so eye catching , and people had to walk past them to get their tea and coffee, ( I didn't even need to jump up and down to get them to look).
Lots of interesting events and people, and we stayed in the student accommodation ( ahhh memories!!)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The calm before the storm.

Evenings in our van.
Straight after the Music camp we disappeared off to Cornwall to have a bit of quiet to re focus and get creative. It is such an inspiring place, and we especially enjoyed the galleries, the Arts club, and the carrot cake!. While I was there, I mapped out the framework for "Red Hot Recorder two". The first book is still the best selling tutor, and although I thought I probably wouldn't do book two, I think the time has come, because I have forgotten what a lot of work the first book was.

Back home now, all I have to do, is get going on the pieces, as everything else is done. The manuscript is ready on the piano in the studio, but, its just getting started!!!. I am supposed to deliver by the end of Oct ( hum!). I just need to pick a few blackberries, walk while the weather is still nice, tidy a few drawers, draw a picture, make some apple curd, finish reading my book..........