Straight after the Music camp we disappeared off to Cornwall to have a bit of quiet to re focus and get creative. It is such an inspiring place, and we especially enjoyed the galleries, the Arts club, and the carrot cake!. While I was there, I mapped out the framework for "Red Hot Recorder two". The first book is still the best selling tutor, and although I thought I probably wouldn't do book two, I think the time has come, because I have forgotten what a lot of work the first book was.
Back home now, all I have to do, is get going on the pieces, as everything else is done. The manuscript is ready on the piano in the studio, but, its just getting started!!!. I am supposed to deliver by the end of Oct ( hum!). I just need to pick a few blackberries, walk while the weather is still nice, tidy a few drawers, draw a picture, make some apple curd, finish reading my book..........
Hi Sarah,
Hope you are well? I'm going back to work this week and straight into 'wider opportunities' for clarinet teaching in the classroom. I could do with some rhythm songs (maybe with actions) to reinforce pulse and rhythm - which of your lovely song books would you recommend?
Best wishes,
There are lots of fun rhythmic things in chants and music games.I am sure there would be lots of things you could use in there.
get at
Hope you are OK. Catch up soon!
Sarah XX
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