Saturday, April 9, 2011

Thoughts at

Lying awake in bed last night I had a sudden urge to write a blog post (I didn't!).

I know that I have a song project in full creativity mode, because I can't sleep!!. I am working on two more books for the Red Hot song library (which I am actually very excited about).

I am writing a whole book of new fun pentatonic songs, and also an ostinato song book ( which is incredible exciting because its so flexible). All the songs in this book have short ostinatos which can be sung or played on instruments which can accompany the whole song. The exciting thing (I think) about this, is that its possible to achieve a multi part sung piece or a totally flexible instrumental piece with no music!! ... there are improvising notes too so the piece/song can be as flexible as you like. ( I am particularly pleased with a song called Ostinato Olympics). Both books will be out by September.

The trouble is!!!. Not only do I have the words and tunes of the songs whizzing round in my head at 3 am, I also have the words and tunes of the ostinatos!. AUGH!!!!

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