Monday, December 17, 2007

The story of the flying saxophone!

I have just been playing in the big band for the Stables Christmas gala for the last few days. The show was as exciting as ever with lots of inspiring people around, and all went well, except for on the first night when J.D accidently kicked my sax stand over and my sax plummeted to the floor. The audience gasped, and the show stopped as John made me play a note to see if it was still working ( it wasn't!). I continued the first set to the interval on his sax (well I tried).

The mouthpiece was broken, and I have a big dent in the bell, but we managed to bend back some keywork in order for me to go on for the second half with a mouthpiece borrowed from one of the other sax players.

I wandered around in a daze the next day wondering what I was going to do for the rest of the run ( I stupidly only have one mouthpiece). I met my (very down to earth) neighbour Pam and explained what it was like playing someone else's mouthpiece, and she said "its like me cooking in someone else's kitchen" ( wise woman).

During the day various friends offered mouthpieces and instruments, and John feeling terrible about the whole thing sent out for three similar mouthpieces which he presented me with in the evening (lovely).

All was well, and the shows were great. I'm still cooking in someone else's kitchen, but I'm finding my way about a bit now.

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