Quite often at this time of year, I find myself writing Christmas music!!. This is all rather odd, and one is strangely removed from the seasonal glitter.
I have just finished two new carols for treble voices, and am working on a Christmas piano book for intermediate players. It all gets a bit difficult when I am writing in a practise room somewhere, I try and play festive music very quietly so people don't think I really am crazy.
the two choral pieces are also going to form a new book of twelve pieces for treble voices. This is an exciting project for me as I have been able to use deeper compositional skills. It is all taking a long time with writing parts etc, but I am half way there, and would very much like to put in an instrumental accompaniment.
a few people have asked me about another "Band in a book" or "Really easy band book". I'm hoping to work on that next, once I get christmas over!!