Saturday, July 14, 2007

Goodbye old friend

Have been having a clear out of my workspace to try and reclaim valuable space to put more "stuff".

I have encountered one or two emotional dilemma's along the way. Firstly I have drawers and box files with my original manuscripts in. I don't for a moment anticipate these turning up and labelled "lost* in a hundred years, or being exhibited in an alarmed glass case somewhere, but the original scribbles for "B groovy" or "Shrimps on tour", do have a sentimental significance.

The next big hurdle was my old bassoon case. It has travelled the world with me (well some of it). It is so bashed about that I wouldn't dare put an instrument in it any more, the canvas case leaks and frankly it needs to be chucked.

I thought if I took a photo of it and wrote a little appreciation it would make me feel better as it goes to the dump.

(I couldn't do it, I've put it back in the cupboard).

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