Friday, July 20, 2007

Oh No!! its raining and the tents go up today

I'm fed up with this weather!!!!!

We had a lovely day yesterday. went to see Antonio Foricone at The Stables ( awe inspiring!!), and there was the marquee in the music camp field all ready to embrace the atmosphere and excitement of the next few weeks, there was even a sunset. AND NOW!!!

The rain is torrential outside,the rest of the tents should start going up tonight , and the first lot of staff arrive tomorrow.

I always feel terrible when there is a wet week at the camp. It costs me a fortune in moral building chocolate!. Strangely the campers ( and sometimes the staff) don't seem to notice, they are too busy enjoying themselves.

good job we have a state of the art theatre and studios.... to rehearse in, ..... we did once have a member of staff struck by lightening!!

Having said that, I don't want to put off anyone wishing to volunteer to help with the Music camps, please leave a comment below if interested.


Anonymous said...

So how many sleeping bags fit on the stage???!!!

The National Youth Music Camps said...

won't be the first time!