I am trying to get my head around a new "printer/scanner". I have never had a scanner before, so am scanning everything in sight. I bought it to prepare some PowerPoint presentations for some teachers conferences I am speaking at in September and October. I have always taken someone with me in the past to do the computer bit, but I thought its time I leaned to do it myself. Its so much better to put pages of my books or book covers on a screen rather than taking copies for everyone plus music stands. I think it would benefit me to get into the twenty first century!.
Anyway, back to scanning!. I have found some "scanworthy"articles etc. This one is interesting, its a write up of the first Music Camp in 1970. Click on the picture to read it.
Hi Sarah, it's a great article and highlights the structure used today. I'm being sent 5 DVD's worth of footage from T2!!! Apparently everything from rehearsals, concerts, dabbles and staff bar games...!! : ) (That might need editing)
Congratulations to Chloe on her results and goodluck to Martha.
I expect you will have many happy hours viewing!!
Will pass on congrats, all a great relief so far!.
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