Saturday, November 24, 2007!

Exciting times!. Kevin Mayhew Ltd have built me a website. Its not quite finished yet. but the front page is live and looking good. There will be access to all works and it will be a point of contact for people wanting to make enquires.


Anonymous said...

Hey, that's great, about time too! I've got your Christmas band in a book being put through it's paces at the moment. The kids love choosing their favourite carol to rehearse. It'll be part of the christmas concert very shortly!

So sad to hear about Ann, I'll really miss her and her friendly face at the end of a hard day on the field.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

We at St. Edward's Junior school Cheltenham have loved playing your music. It would be great to have a book containing ensemble music for 2 descants, treble and tenor recorder.

Mrs Anne Earnshaw

The National Youth Music Camps said...

Thankyou Ann. I should really do that, shouldn't I. Its so nice to get feedback, and find out what people enjoy and use.
Glad you found the blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm a music teacher in some schools in Cambridge and I apsolutely love using your books!

Thank you!

I'd love to hear about more piano books that may come out in the future :)

The National Youth Music Camps said...

Thankyou for that! Glad you found the blog. click homr to find more recent posts. there may be more about piano books there. Have you seen Piano Pizzazz and Christmas piano pizzazz?
All the best

Anonymous said...

Sarah - thanks for great adjudication comments at the St Ives MFY festival. We loved hearing about the Shrimp Waltz! I recommend your books frequently, but people keep asking me when there'll be a DVD edition so they can put it up on a smartboard in classrooms for whole class work. Any plans?
Kirsty Body

The National Youth Music Camps said...

Thanks so much for that Kirsty!. I am a big fan of yours!
It was exciting to hear the Shrimp waltz, I am very fond of it.
I am glad you have found the blog. have you been to the more up to date posts?
No plans for white board at the mo.
sarah X