Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lets hear it for Michael (and Gilbert and Sullivan).

It has been while writing out pages of music, and lyrics for our musical "Grand Illusians" that I realise once again what an absolute genius Michael Forster is.
The show is set around a school and another world associated with it called "Illusia". . He has written a wonderful story line, and some masterful and very funny lyrics. My favourite songs are a duet between the love sick teaching assistant and caretaker ( who is the unwilling subject of her affections), and an amazing Gilbert and Sullivan style patter song sung by the dinner ladies about school dinners ( called "Platter Patter"). It was while writing out the lyrics for the latter that I thought "How does he do this?". I have played in many a Gilbert and Sullivan orchestra pit, and I think Michael's lyrics are actually more witty than W.S.G!.
The show has been commisioned by the Living Archive for the anniversary of a school in Woverton, but it is being used as a community project so adults will be involved too. Perhaps we could interest members of the Wolverton Gilbert and Sullivan society!. The picure is of W.S Guilbert not Michael Forster!.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw shucks, Sarah . . .